Current Position:

Professor and Head,
Department of Nephrology
Osmania General Hospital & Osmania Medical College
Consultant Nephrologist
Aditya Hospital, Hyderabad

Academic Qualifications:

DNB Nephrology   : 2003  : National Board of Examinations, National Academy of Medical Sciences, India. – (Gold Medal)
1st rank DM Nephrology entrance, AP
MD (Pediatrics)      : 1998  :  Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
DNB(Pediatrics)    : 1998  :  National Board of Examinations, National Academy of Medical Sciences, India.
MBBS : 1992  :  SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan. (Gold Medal)
State topper in 10th and 11th Board Examination (BiPC), State 2nd in medical entrance test

Teaching Experience:

February 2011 onwards till date    :  Professor and HOD, Nephrology dept,Osmania Medical college and general hospital
August 2008- Feb2011 :  Incharge Professor and HOD, Osmania Medical College, Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad
Sept 2006 – August 2008 :  Associate Professor, Nephrology, Osmania Medical College, Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad, i/c HOD from 1st Nov,2007.
Sept 2003- Sept 2006:  Assistant Professor, Nephrology Osmania Medical College/Osmania General Hospital,Hyderabad 2003-2006
May 2000-Sept. 2003:  Tutor in Nephrology, Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad
April 1999-May2000:   Civil Assistant Surgeon, Community Health Centre, Gajawel
March 1998-April1999:  Consultant Paediatrician, Mythri Hospital, Hyderabad
Feb 1995- Feb 1998 :  Senior Resident in Paediatrics, Niloufer Hospital, Hyderabad


Fellowship of Royal college of physicians (FRCP), London, 2019
Fellowship of Indian society of Nephrology (FISN), 2018
Fellowship of Indian College of physicians, (FICP), 2013
Fellowship of Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine (FIACM), 2008
Fellowship of Indian Society of Hypertension (FISH), 2016
Fellowship of Diabetes India, 2016

Editorial experience

Editor in chief, Indian journal of transplantation 2017
Editor of 3 books in nephrology by Intech publications
Diseases of Renal Parenchyma, Edited by Manisha Sahay ISBN 978-953-51-0245-8 , Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka 2012
Basic Nephrology and Acute Kidney Injury, Edited by Manisha Sahay .ISBN 978-953-51-0139-0 , Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 2012
Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Transplantation, Edited by Manisha Sahay ISBN 978-953-51-0003-4, Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 2012

Editor and Associate editor

Editor – in chief, Internet journal of Nephrology
Associate editor, Journal of Academy of Medical Sciences
Guest Editor Renal endocrinology
Editor Intech Open access

Membership in Professional Bodies

Group member of International Society of Nephrology-13644
Member- TTS

Life member of:
Indian Society of Nephrology
Indian Society of Nephrology- Southern Chapter
Indian Society of Organ transplantation
Indian society of peritoneal dialysis
Indian Society of Hemodialysis
National Academy of Medical Sciences
Indian Society of Nephrology-Southern Chapter
Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Indian Academy of Pediatrics – Nephrology
Indian Medical Association
College of General Practitioners
Nutrition Society of India
Research Society for study of Diabetes in India
Association of Physicians of India
Positions Held in Professional Bodies
Vice President, Women in Nephrology, WIN-India
Vice- President, Indian society of Nephrology, 2019
President, Hyderabad Nephrology Forum (HNF)
Council Member, International society of Nephrology from 2017
Chairman , South Asian Regional Board 2019-2021
Executive committee member, Indian society of organ transplant, 2016
Scientific committee member, Indian society of nephrology, 2014-16
International Society – Young Nephrologist Committee member from 2009-14
Executive Committee Member, Indian Society of Nephrology, 2010-2013
Executive Committee Member, Indian Society of Nephrology, Southern Chapter 2007-09
Asia pacific society of nephrology, APSN CME executive committee member 2013-15
ANIO, International society of Nephrology, 2017-2019
Executive Member ISN South Asian Regional board 2013-17
Executive Member, Scientific committee of Indian society of Nephrology 2013 onwards
World kidney day Champion from India for 2015-16

Awards & Honours: (13 gold medals)
1. Dr Bobba Dharma Rao oration, Vijayawada, 9.9.17 Chronic kidney disease- from physician's perspective
2. Dr. Ajit Kumar Oration Pediatric Society, October, 2015, Pediatrics , State conference, Kothagudem, Telangana
3. Best doctor award from Telangana Government Doctors’ Association 2014
4. “HL Trivedi - Gold Medal in Nephrology” – National Board of Examinations awarded at the 11th Convocation at Hyderabad – March 2005
5. “PC Mary Tanker – Young Investigator Award” of Indian Society of Nephrology – Risk of live kidney donation, Southern Chapter Conference at Chennai – February 2005
6. 2nd prize for Poster – Frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome in children-Therapeutic dilemma Feb 2009 Indian Society of Nephrology-South zone, Kanyakumari
7. New Key Opinion leader from Andhra Pradesh in International Transplantation Society, 2009
8. Selected from Asia Pacific region as member of “Young Nephrologist’s Committee of International Society of Nephrology”, 2009-11
9. Best paper award Nephrotic syndrome-changing trends, Bhubaneswar ISN national conference 2006
10. 2nd Prize for Poster - Indian Society of Nephrology conference, Varanasi, 2004 - "Tubular Functions in Post-transplant patients"
11. Best Poster Award - Indian Society of Nephrology - Southern Chapter conference, Mangalore, 2004 - "Cyclosporine Withdrawal Post-transplant - Is it Safe?"
12. Best paper award for “Lupus nephritis –treatment outcomes”- Indian Society of Nephrology, 2005
13. Gold Medal and Best Poster Award - Indian Society of Nephrology conference 2003 - "Post-transplant diabetes mellitus - insulin kinetics and early markers"
14. Gold Medal in the Postgraduate Quiz in Nephrology - Coimbatore 2003
15. “PN Nahta - Gold Medal in Physiology” – Sawai Mansingh Medical College, University of Rajasthan - 1988-89
16. “Lala Ram Narain Bansal Gold Medal” for 1st MBBS - Sawai Mansingh Medical College, University of Rajasthan - 1988-89
17. State topper in 10th and 11th Board Examination (BiPC)
18. Gold medal 10th class
19. Gold medal 11th class
20 State 2nd in medical entrance test

Dr. Ajit Kumar Oration, Evolution of Pediatric nephrology, Journey,Indian society of Pediatrics-TCB, 2016
Bobbili Dharma Rao oration, State API, 2017

Papers presented in International conferences
Genetics of Nephrotic syndrome, 2023
Renal lesions in HIV, 2023
Renal histology in a tertiary care center, South India 2023
Leptospirosis and AKI. WCN, Hongkong, Satellite meeting Best paper award, 2014
Post infectious GN –Is it benign?
Pregnancy and AKI- Mexico, 2017
Renal histology in AKI- Mexico, 2017
Ponticelliregime in MN-Do Indians responddiffererntly?
New onset diabetes after transplantation

Papers Presented In Zonal and National Conferences:
Contribution to text books & Monograms

CKD MBD approach, Editor Kasivisweswaran Treelife publications, 2022. Maharashtra, India
HRS, Editor Kasivisweswaran Treelife publications, 2022. Maharashtra, India
Drugs in elderly
Long term outcomes of transplantation, Georgi abraham
1. Amyloidosis 2020 for API textbook (under process)
2. Diabetic and non diabetic kidney disease (under process) 2020
3. AKI and RPRF in Amyloidosis API textbook. 2020 ( under process)
4. Type IV RTA in diabetic, Ed Dr Sarita Bajaj,2019
5. Manisha Sahay Editor Chronic kidney disease and transplantation Intech Open Access publisher ISBN978-953-51-0003-4
6. Manisha Sahay Editor Diseases of renal parenchyma Intech Open Access publisher ISBN 978-953-51-0245-8
7. Manisha Sahay Editor Basic nephrology and acute kidney injury Intech Open Access publisher ISBN 978-953-51-0139-0
8. Girish Narayen, Manisha Sahay: "Tubulointerstitial Nephritis" in "Essentials of Nephrology" Edited by Prof. Kasi Visveswaran
9. BK Sahay, Manisha Sahay, RK Sahay, Non Pharmacological Management of Lipid Disorders. In Lipid Disorders: Implications & Management. Ed. BB Tripathi, Siddhartha Das, Publ. Indian College of Physicians, Mumbai; 2002: 291-303.
10. CAPD in children Dialysis technician textbook
11. Principles of Hemodialysis in children in Dialysis Technician textbook
12. CKD in children Elsevier publications 2011 Pg 108 ECAB Clinical update urology ISBN 978-81-312-3024-4 Ed Sanjeev Gulati
13. CKD systemic manifestations Kasivishweshwaran principles of nephrology
14. Textbook of pediatrics Ed Piyush. IgA nephropathy
15. Vaccination in CKD, ISN guidelines
16. Manisha Sahay, Pregnancy in renal disease. Editor Kasivisweswaran ISBN 978-93-83989-03-4 Treelife publications, 2014. Maharashtra, India
17. Manisha Sahay, Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Editor Kasivisweswaran ISBN 978-93-83989-03-4 Treelife publications, 2014. Maharashtra, India
18. Manisha Sahay, Vaccination in CKD. Editor Kasivisweswaran Prescribing drugs in renal disease. ISBN 978-93-83989-03-4 Treelife publications, 2014. Maharashtra,
19. India Peritoneal dialysis Ed Ram. Pathogenesis of immune dysfunction
20. M Sahay, Ruboxistaurin in diabetic nephropathy, chapter 68, RSSDI update 2015 Section 21,Pg 338- 344. Editor Sarita Bajaj, Associate Editor Manoj K Srivastava. Jaypee brothers ISBN97893-5250-051-2
21. M Sahay, Role of nephrologist in management of poisonings, Medicine Update, 2016 chapter 169,Pg 851-856.volume 26, Chief Editors- Dr KK Pareekh, Gurpreet S Wander., ISBN 978-93-5250-199-1.
22. M Sahay Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia, Manual of Nephrology Ed Pranaw Kumar Jha, Vijay Kher, Jaypee brothers Medical Publications, ISBN 978-935250 -162-5, 1st edition 2016, Pg 178-196
23. M Sahay Hypophosphtemia and hyperphosphatemia, Manual of Nephrology.Ed Pranaw Kumar Jha, Vijay Kher, Jaypee brothers Medical Publications, ISBN 978-935250 -162-5, 1st edition 2016, pg 197-213
24. Manisha Sahay. Immunization in patients of renal disease. Prescribing drugs in renal diseases Ed R Kasi Visweswaran, ISBN 978-93-83989-03-4, Pub Suketu P Kothari Treelife media, Maharashtra Chapter 7, Pg 64-76.
25. RK Sahay, Manisha Sahay. Neuromuscular Complications in Thyrotoxicosis. Medicine Update. Ed. AK Agarwal, Publ. Association of Physicians of India 2009; 19:
26. BK Sahay, RK Sahay, Manisha Sahay. Current Status of Diuretics in Management of Hypertension. Medicine Update. Ed RK Singhal, Publ. Association of Physicians of India. 2007; 17: 553-558.
27. Narayen G, Sahay M, “ NSAIDs induced nephropathy” Medicine Update 2006, Ed. BK Sahay, Publ. Association of Physicians of India, 2006; 16; 454-457.
28. RK Sahay, Manisha Sahay. ‘Endocrine Hypertension’ in Medicine Update 2006, Ed. BK Sahay, Publ. Association of Physicians of India, 2006; 16:128-135.
29. Sahay BK, Sahay M, Sahay RK, ‘Role of Metformin in newly diagnosed Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus’ The Indian Practitioner 1997; 50(5): 413-418.
30. Manisha Sahay Inborn errors of metabolism –A nephrologist’s perspective Inborn errors of metabolism. Ed. Dr Gopal Krishna, Pritesh Nagar, Publ: IAP 2010:127-136.
31. Manisha Sahay Vesicoureteric reflux in children in Recent Advances Ed Gopalakrishna, Pritesh Nagar IAP 2010:101-110.
32. Manisha Sahay Pregnancy and renal disease Medicine Update. Ed Muralidhar S Rao, Publ. Association of Physicians of India. 2010; 20: 766-772.
33. M Sahay, Diabetic Nephropathy Handbook of diabetes, Ed Samar Banerjee 2016, Published by RSSDI (Research society for study of diabetes in India
34. M Sahay, Organ sharing and Networking. Transplant coordinator manual 2018
35. M Sahay Amyloidosis, API Textbook of Medicine, 9th edition, Editor in chief, YP Munjal, PublisherThe Association of Physicians of India2012 ISBN 978-931271-12755025-07-47, E Moses road, Turf estate, opp Shakti Mills compound, Worli, Mumbai.400011
36. Manisha Sahay, Rakesh Sahay, SGLT2 inhibitors. RSSDI diabetes update 2018Editor in chief Rajiv Chawla, Jaypee brothers medical publishersISBN 97893-5270-618-1. Pg 140-145.New Delhi
37. M Sahay, Nephrology for Physicians, Editor Dr R Kasi Visweswaran, Systemic manifestations of Chronic kidney disease. ISBN 978-93-83989-43-0. Published by Treelife media. Mumbai, Maharashtra, 2018
38. Manisha Sahay. Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy. PG Textbook of Pediatrics. Systemic Disorders and Social Pediatrics Ed By Piyush Gupta, PSN Menon, Siddarth Ramji, Rakesh Lodha. New Delhi. Health science publisher. 2015. Volume 3: Section 41(41.6)1992-3.

Organisational Experience
National/International conferences
• Organizing Secretary, CONNECT2012 (Conference of Nephrology and Emerging Concepts in Transplantation) International society of nephrology 3rd educational conference and Regional meeting of Indian society of Nephrology, August 2012
• Jt Organizing Secretary, National conference of Pediatric Nephrology, Hyderabad, 2007
• Internal Coordinator for Indian society of Nephrology conference 2012 at Hyderabad
Zonal conference
• Organized Nephro-pathology CME, 16th May 2019 at Osmania Medical college
• Organizing Secretary, South zone conference of Indian society of nephrology- South Zone, Feb 2018
• Organized CME PEDICON national conference Hyderabad 2010
• Convenor, Transplant coordinator workshop programme (2015) under Jeevandan, Govt of Telangana
• Organized Publication workshop, OMC/OGH, 12th Feb 2015
• Organized EC training programme 7th and 8th Nov 2014 with CDSA @ OMC
• Scientific committee member and faculty for South Zone conference Vijaywada Feb 2013
• Organized Metabolic workshop Hyderabad, Niloufer hospital 2009
• Organized world kidney day Osmania 2010
• World kidney day quiz 2009
• Internal Co-ordinator- Annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, Southern Chapter, Hyderabad, 2007
• Treasurer, ‘Silver Jubilee - Nephrology CME’, organized by Department of Nephrology, Osmania General Hospital, 2002
• Organized metabolic disorders workshop Indian Academy of Pediatrics(IAP)/ TCB 9/10/09
• Internal coordinator Annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, Hyderabad, 2011
[4:41 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Reviewer
Indian journal of Nephrology
Indian journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Cochrane database
Saudi journal of kidney disease and transplant
Journal of Academy of Medical Sciences
British Journal of Medical Research
Clinical queries Nephrology Journal SGPGI
Renal failure
[4:42 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Invited Lectures:
International society
Writing prescription for DKD, BRACON 8-9th September, 2023Bangladesh
MGRS, BRACON 8-9th September, Bangladesh, 2023
Vascular access, WCN, 2021
Donor derived infections, 2021
Gender disparity in kidney disease 2021
Management of hyperphosphatemia, Bangladesh society of Nephrology, 2021
TB in transplant, Bangladesh society of Nephrology, 2019
Management of HCV and Hep B in transplantation, Bangladesh society of Nephrology, 2019
Nutrition in kidney disease, Japanese society of nephrology, CME-APSN
Role of acute PD- Japanese society of Nephrology conference, CME-APSN
AKI in pregnancy, WCN, Virtual, 2020
Pregnancy renal disease, WCN, Melbourne 2019
National conferences/Zonal conferences/State conferences
• Hemodialysis in pregnancy, Nephrology semi week, Mumbai, 7-9th July 2023
• Transplantation in CAKUT, Pediatric nephrology, CMC Vellore, 7th July 2023
• RPGN in children, Young kidneys, MMM 1-2nd July 2023, Chennai
• SLE LN in children Young kidneys, MMM, 1-2nd July 2023 Chennai
• HIF PHI, WCN Thailand 2023
• Palliative care meeting Bangalore Feb 10, 2023
• CRRT in Pregnancy, CRRT conference, Hyderabad, January 2023
• Palliative care, Nephrology, Bangalore, 2023
• Diabetic kidney disease, NUCD, 2023
• PRAKI, Gandhi, 2022
• HIF PHI, ISN frontiers Delhi, September, 2022
• CAD in donors, ISN Pune, 2022
• Chemotherapy and Renal disease, 2022
• Anemia in CKD, ISN, Pune 2022
• Pregnancy AKI, Gandhi, 2022
• Deceased donor program, Nizamabad, 2022
• Green dialysis, WIN, August 2022
• SLE treatment, Gurukul, 24th Dec 2022
• DKD, Diabetic dialogues, 2022
• Non proteinuric DKD, Hello Diabetes Academia June 24-26, 2022
• DKD, Telangana API, Warangal, 2022
• Acute PD in AKI update, 2021
• GN in COVID 19, IPNA 2021
• COVID 19 treatment Jan 2021, ISOT
• Glomerular disease in Cancer. Onconephrology update, 2020
• Bartter’s syndrome, IPNA, 2020
• Management of nephrotic syndrome, 2020, Care hospital update
• Acute rejection, CMC, Vellore,2020
• Setting deceased donor transplantation programme, CMC Vellore 2020
• Management of Anemia, Chennai, IPNA 2019
• Best papers in renal transplantation, Conference of Asian Society of Transplantation(CAST), New Delhi, 2019
• Hypertension in Pregnancy, HT society conference, Mumbai 2019
• Frequently relapsing Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disease conference, SGPGI, Lucknow, 2019
• Organising CAPD quiz, ISBP-Conference, Hyderabad, 2019
• Nephrotic syndrome – Present and Future, Telangana state APICON, 12th August, 2019, Kareemnagar
• Viral infections in dialysis, NIMS, Hemodialysis update, 11th August, 2019
• Anemia in pediatric hemodialysis, IPNA, Chennai, RRT Kids, 21st july2019
• Interventional nephrology, Core curriculum, Delhi, July 20th 2019
• Lupus nephritis in children, Lupus update, PGI, Chandigarh, Feb 2019
• Thrombotic microangiopathy, Glomerulonephritis update, Kolkota, July 2019
• SGLT2i National webinar, 12th july 2019
• SGLT2i, Meg Jardine, 2019
• Lipaglyn, Hyderabad,2019
• DN newer concepts, IDEA clinics, 2019, Hyderabad
• SGLT2i in IDEC, Hyderabad, 2019
• ISOT guidelines for paired kidney donation, Ahmedabad, 13th Jan, 2019
• SGLT2 inhibitors, ISNCON, Bhubaneshwar, 20-23 rd Dec 2018
• Ethics in organ transplantation, Gandhi hospital, Transplant tourism, Dec 2018
• Human organ transplantation Rules, Police academy, Cyberabad for police, Dec 2018
• SGLT2 Renoprotection, RSSDI, 2018
• Immunology of Pregnancy, ISOT, Hyderabad, 5-7th October, 2018
• Organ sharing and networking, ISOT, Hyderabad,Transplant coordinator programme, 5-7th oct, 2018
• Vascular access monitoring protocol, AVATAAR, July, 2018
• CKD for Physicians in Vijaywada for physicians February 2018
• Pitfalls in transplant immunology, Chandigarh, April 2018
• Resistant hypertension May 2018 for Physicians
• Anti hypertensive drugs in diabetic nephropathy, Kolkata 2018
• Biomarkers of DKD for physicians, Kolkata 2018
• Human organ transplantation act, Gandhi hospital, April 2018
• Anti hypertensive drugs in CKD, 10.11.17, Hyderabad
• HIV and kidney disease, AIIMS, Delhi, Oct 2017
• Collaboration in biomedical research, 23/10/17, Gitam Universtiy, Patencheru, Hyderabad
• Obesity and kidney disease, Obesity conference, Hyd Oct 2017
• CPC Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney transplantation, ISOT, Indore, 12-14 th 2017
• C3 GN, Scholar connect, Kolkata, Oct 7,2017
• MIA syndrome, SRMCON, Delhi, Oct 8 2017

• Malnutrition in pediatrics on dialysis, Tirupathi 12 sept 2017
• Web Conference, Empareg trial
• RPRF, Pediatric nephrology conference, Medanta, Delhi 15.10.2017
• ABG, International society of pediatric nephrology, Kolkata, sept 2017
• Withdrawl of IS in SLE, Lupus nephritis update, PGI Chandigarh
• Pediatric CVD, ISOT, Chandigarh, 2017
• Role of Nephrologist in Poisoning, APICON 2016, January, Telangana, Hyderabad
• Transplantation in TMA, IKDRC, Ahmedabad, India, 23rd January 2016

• Love your kidneys, IICT Indian Institute of Chemical technology, Telangana, India
• Pediatric CKD module, CKD-ISN-PACE, 29th Novemeber,2015
• Management of Anemia in DKD, Ahmedabad, DIACON, 22nd November,2015
• SGLT2 Inhibitors and Renoprotection, Faridabad, BPCON, 21st Novemeber,2015
• Pregnancy in CKD, CME Gandhi hospital, 7th Nov, 2015
• Pediatric AKI, Zonal CME, Niloufer Hospital, October 28th, 2015
• Pediatric CKD, Dr Ajit Kumar oration, October, 2015,State conference of Pediatrics, Telangana, Kothegudem, Telangana
• Case scenarios in diabetic nephropathy, October, 2015, Jim corbet, Uttarakhand, UPDACON
• Ruboxistaurin in diabetic nephropathy, RSSDI, National conference, Lucknow, 1st Nov 2015
• Ischemia reperfusion injury, SGPGI, Transplant update, 2015
• Pediatric organ donation- ISOT, Chennai, 2015
• CKD for cardiologists, WINCARS , September, 2015
• Science meets medicine- IICT, Hyderabad, 8/7/15
• TMA- Scholar’s connect, 20th June,2015, Chennai
• Electrolytes in ICU, API Twin cities meet, 13/6/15, Hyderabad
• Hypernatremia, Asian Institute of Nephro-urology, 30/5/15, Hyderabad
• Diabetic nephropathy, MNR Medical college, Mehboobnagar, April 2015
• Diabetic kidney disease recent advances, RSSDI-AP chapter, Hyderabad, May 2015
• DKD for physicians, Chennai International diabetes conference, Chennai May 2015
• Pneumococcal vaccine. Pfizer forum, Park, Hyderabad, 15/3/15
• Transplant coordinator meeting, CKD, 20/3/15, Osmania Medical college, Hyderabad
• AMR, Ahmedabad, Transplant update 10th Jan 2015
• IgA Nephropathy, 11th Jan, 2015 Glomerulonephritis update, Pune
• PD in govt sector, ISNCON, Kolkata, Dec 20th, 2014
• Anemia in pediatric CKD, Asia Pacific conference of pediatric nephrology, New Delhi, 6th Dec, 2014
• Indications for renal biopsy in diabetic AINU 30/11/14
• AKI as risk factor for CKD,RSSDI Bangalore 22nd Nov, 2014
• Acute kidney injury in pregnancy, Obs gynecology conference 2014, Hyderabad
• Tubular disorders in Nephrology, 28th September, 2014, Pediatrics state conference-Twin cities branch
• Antibiotics rationale use 27th September 2014 Pfizer Advisory board, Hyderabad
• Cilnidipine CME 2014 9th August 2014
• UTI in pregnancy, API CME 12 th July 2014
• Nutrition in CKD,Japanese society of nephrology, Yokohama, 2nd July 2014
• Role of 4th generation calcium channel blockers Cardiology society of India, 5th July 2014
• PD in government sector, CMC Vellore 2014 March 2014
• MMF-Is it a magic bullet for lupus nephritis 27 march PGI chandigarh 2014
• New Hypertension guidelines, Maech 10th 2014
• Prescribing drugs in renal disease API, Ludhiana, Feb 2014
• Post partum Acute Kidney Injury, Obstetric society,15 th Dec 2013
• Economics of Hemodialysis: Govt funding of dialysis of Andhra Pradesh, ISNCON, Gurgaon, 12-15 th December, 2013
• Personalized Immunosuppression, October, 2013
• Rationale use of antibiotics in renal disease Osmania Zonal CME, Hyderabad 2013
• Antibiotic use in renal failure, NTR University Zonal CME, SVS Medical college, Hyderabad
• Theranostics in solid organ transplant, National immunological society, Global Hospital, Hyderabad, September 2013
• Optimizing Peritoneal dialysis in children, Indian Society of Peritoneal dialysis (ISPD), Trissur, September 2013
• Hyperglycemia management in CKD, Hyderabad,24 th April 2013
• Recurrent and relapsing peritonitis, PD Scientia, Bangalore, St John’s , 6-7 th April 2013
• Hemodialysis in pregnancy ISHD, Kolkota, April 2013
• Vaccination in CKD, Hyderabad 2013
• Therapeutic drug monitoring Chennai, 2013
• FGF 23 in renal disease Hyd nephrology meeting November 2012
• Pathogenesis of renal oedema , Indian society of Pediatric nephrology conference, Chennai, sept 2012
• Pediatric CAPD, Kolkata, Indian society of Peritoneal dialysis conference Sept 2012
• Recurrent UTI - API Hyderabad, June 2012
• Drugs and kidney Nadiad 2012
• CKD screening Nadiad 2012Post operative fluid management, Surgery department , OGH, October 2012
• Dose modification and rationale use of drugs in renal disease, Medicine update Osmania
• Prevention of renal disease for Army personnel, Secunderabad Jan 2013
• Management of CKD- NIN Hyderabad 2012
• Metabolic workup of stone disease API Hyderabad,Dec, 2011
• AKI and infections in tropics, National pediatric nephrology conference and International society of nephrology CME, 23october 2011
• Women in Nephrology conference Bangalore July 16th and 17th 2011
• CKD in CVD Musoorie 2011
• Prevention of progression of CKD Musoorie2011
• Prevention of CKD, NAMS Golden Jubilee symposium,NIN,Hyd 2011
• Diabetic nephropathy, API Meet Hyd
• Diuretics Delhi Apr 2010
• Urine formation physiology, Delhi Apr 2010
• Pediatric hypertension Feb 2010, SC ISN, Pondicherry
• Metabolic disorders Jan 2010 PEDICON
• ABG made easy-Chennai annual meeting 2010 Jan
• The Transplantation Society –International-Non viral infections post transplant, Agra,April 2009
• Hypertension and Hypokalemia, International society of Nephrology, COMGAN, Bengaluru,March 2009
• Arterial Blood Gas analysis – API update CME Dec 2008
• Acute renal failure in ICU-API update CME June 2008
• “ Plasma Cell Dyscrasisa – Diagnosis & Management” Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology – New Delhi – December 2007
• “ Lupus Nephritis – Treatment” - Annual Conference of Southern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology – Hyderabad - February 2007
• Genetics and renal disease- NIMS Hyderabad 2006
• Acute Renal Failure – NIMS HYD2007
• "Sodium Transporters in Health and Disease" - CME Program of Indian Society of Nephrology - Southern Chapter conference at Mangalore 2004
• “Urinary Tract Infections” – IMA College of General Practitioners – Hyderabad
• “Diabetic Nephropathy – Recent Concepts” – CME program of IMA – CGP, Hyderabad
• “Hypocalcemia” at APICON (National Conference of Association of Physicians of India) Patna 2006
[4:42 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Clinical trials
CREDENCE global trial, George Institute
AVATAR study
[4:42 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Contribution to Nephrology
• Initiation of CAPD in government sector in Telangana
• Initiation of successful deceased donor kidney transplant programme in government sector free for poor from 17th April, 2013.
• Initiation of successful brain dead donor organ harvesting in government sector, 6th Nov, 2014
• Multi organ transplant initiation in govt sector
• Transplant coordinator training programme initiated in 2015
• Dialysis technician training programme [4:43 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Research projects Extra-mural
• Co Investigator ICKD study, George Institute for Global Health, DBT
• Co Investigator, TESTING study, George Institute for Global Health

• PI, Indigenous medicines and renal failure- Medical Education and Research In Telangana(MERIT), Government of Telangana
• PI, Genetics of Renal disease- Medical Education and Research In Telangana (MERIT), Government of Telangana
• Early markers of Diabetic nephropathy, Funding RSSDI
• Co-PI, CKDu- National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad
• Co-PI- Nutrition in DKD , National Institute of Nutrition
• Micronutrients status and its influence on molecular mechanisms in diabetic nephropathy: A nutrigenomies studyDST No: SB/QOIHS-I 9212013Aug 2018 completed-CoPI
Projects amount source period Timely completion Timely utilization PI/co-PI
Indian CKD study
Genetics of CKD Medical education and research in Telangana 2018 Dec
Indigenous drugs and kidney disease Medical education and research in Telangana 2018 Dec
Indo- Russian project, Indian and Russian collaborators Way2Drug portal (PASS, GUSAR, etc.) and Indian MPDS portal
RSF/DST project No. 16-45-02012/INT/RUS/RSF/12, ongoing ongoing CoPI
CTRI/2018/11/016325 [Registered on: 13/11/2018]

Role of Levothyroxine on progression.subclinical hypothyroid populations - A multicentric randomized controlled trial"
ICMR Project Code No. 2019-2945
Shree Narayandasji Santram Maharaj – Improving Dialysis Outcomes Initiative Study Muljibhai Patel Society for Research in Nephro-Urology Dr V V Desai Road, Nadiad-387001, Gujarat, INDIA
• Analysis of micronutrients in diet of patients with DKD
• PD vs HD in AKI
• Pediatric AKI
• Peritonitis in CAPD
• Comparison of outcomes between 2 kidneys from single deceased donor
• Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome
• CNI withdrawl – Is it safe?
• Ponticelli regime for MN
• Tubular functions in transplant recipients
[4:43 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Teaching experience
She has a great passion for teaching and has mentored many Nephrology fellows. She has been the guide for thesis for 22 nephrology fellows. She actively participates in teaching programme of post graduate students and undergraduate students. She received the Vaidya Ratna award for her contribution. She takes classes for primary care physicians to make them aware of the advances in the field of nephrology for improving the care of patients. She is an examiner for Nephrology residents and has also served as an inspector to improve the post graduate medical education.
She is a mentor for mentorship program of International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
She has also served as a Career guidance counselor for medical students in Osmania Medical college [4:43 pm, 01/03/2024] DK SomaBhupalReddy: Community service
She has organized camps to encourage prevention of life style diseases including diabetes and hypertension. She is involved in Press meetings, newpaper reports, TV shows where her focus is on Prevention of kidney diseases in resource limited settings. She is involved in screening for kidney diseases in villages as well.
She has many firsts to her credit
She has many “firsts” to her credit
- She has initiated free deceased donor transplants in the hospital and in the government/public sector hospitals and now transplants from deceased donor are happening regularly. She also initiated the Continuous Ambulatory peritoneal dialysis program, in public sector hospital for both adult and pediatric patients including newborns and CAPD programme is now established.
Deceased donor organ retrieval was started for the first time by her in Osmania and the retrievals are happening regularly.
- Kidney-pancreas transplant services have been initiated by her for the first time.
- She initiated the Transplantation coordinator training programme at Osmania General hospital and is the Convenor of Transplantation co-ordinator Training Programme for the state of Telangana. This program is for training nurses and other health care workers in the area of grief counseling and facilitating other aspects of deceased donor transplantation. Every year about 100 transplant co-ordinators and grief counselors are trained and they are playing a very important role in facilitating the Jeevandan Program.

She also played a key role in initiating the dialysis nurses training course in the public sector hospitals. Under this course about 10 nurses are trained in all aspects of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

She also played an active role in initiating the spousal and pediatric renal transplants in the hospital.

She has started a pediatric nephrology unit in the hospital where children with kidney problems are taken care of.

She has started interactive programmes with other medical specialities eg Nephro-Gastro meet, Nephro pathology meet, Nephro radiology meet, Nephron euro and nephro endocrinology meet. This enables inter discipline interaction.

She also organizes regular programmes for physicians and pediatricians in the hospital and awareness programmes for prevention of kidney diseases.

South-Asian region has a huge population of underprivileged people with renal ailments. The primary care physicians for these patients are often not nephrologists. She is working towards empowering the primary care physicians to arrest the renal disease at inception. Obstetric renal failure is common in India and is an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. She has organized lectures for obstetricians where they are educated about prevention and management of Obstetric renal failure. As a woman and a mother she is working towards preventing kidney failures in pregnant women and children in this region.

She is taking care of 10 districts and supervising the dialysis centres in these districts where the services of nephrologist are not available